-In clown college I was known as the class not-clown...guilty of not clowning around.
-I'm so nice I failed out of villain school. (old, however classy)
- The sun also sweats.
- This too shall pass...gas.
- In my closet there are only enough hangers for all my hangables. Today I found at least 4 of them not hanging anything. I want answers!
- Aidsvertisment---now THATS catchy!
- A round table discussion with animals on why we shouldn't kill them. No one attends=animals killed.
- A round table conversation with plants on why they don't shape up. Only cauliflower shows up and we go out for drinks. Awkward pauses only articulated by the weird "come back to my field for a cup of coffee"-type comments. End result=plants shape up.
- The middle of the USA is located in Rugby, Nebraska. The tallest structure is also in Nebraska--a TV antennae 2,039 ft. tall.
- Children of the Gilded Age, bobbing for chunks of copper. This is the origin of the phrase "Go for Gold!" But gold didn't come into it until later. This also brought dental hygiene into fashion.