Monday, March 05, 2007

Thoughts on Jesus' Tomb

Sorry Sha*e's Father,
I had to catch your attention? Anyways, on a serious note, I've pin pointed the coordinates of the freckles on your bald noggin and I've found Jesus's skeleton. Now this is a matter that we cannot take lightly, for I will not give these bones to the James Cameron Foundation unless we have an agreement that I get to see these bones three times a week.
I've proposed a plan:
Monday 12.30-2p: Lunch with bones.
Wednesday 3.00-4p: Massage with bones.
Sunday 11.30-1p. Brunch with Mary Magdalene's bones
(You know what I'm talking about).

If this does not fit your schedule please contact me, or if there is any concern with the bone's safety during our special time let me know.

I look forward to hearing from you.

P.S. 10% off the top straight to God.
P.SS. Rest your space face next to mine?
P.Sx3. Have you seen Sh*ne? I have.
P.Sx4. You should read The Road by Cormac Mcarthy.

Peace out Dog. Keep it real, thug ass.


Anonymous said...

What, pray tell, will you do with Mary's bones? I'm a bit confused here...

Anonymous said...


Your only fan,