Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Art Day!

{Some of the following are from the interestingly uneasy mind of elevendy twelven, others are not. But all display an aspect of genius that only comes from the most basic of color of Cyan...}

Cobbler Robber - Displays the inner-most wanton need to both have and steal cobbler. May also refer to some other definition of cobler; the double "b" may be there to throw uneducated viewers through a creamy pie-like hoop. By Walter Shovelsfull.

Flesh eats Watermelon, Finally - This piece speaks to the desire to have it all: movement, eyes, watermelon. Yes, feel the need. By Matt Jason.
Hospitals R' Fun - Need we say more? By Janet Shuttleford.

Man of Dreams if your dreams include Beaches and Space - Yes, note the hair. The excess both on the head and the chest is a metaphor for the duality of humankind, both the commander of life and the commanded. So real and combing. By Margot Ennial
Altered Hue-Man - Sometimes things have to explode out of you to really get your attention, be it sadness or caffeine excess. This piece articulates that to a bloody "t". And, reflexively, Red Bull may be the bloody tea of a generation. By Alex Novelsworth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Things have changed for me. Know that now.

Jake Sanders