At first things appeared fine, harmless, trivial. In the splinter of a second, I considered my pain forgotten, my isolation erased, and my inner-fortune returning.
Then, that all changed just as quick.
My PX-2500’s, or Gladys’, movements became jerky, haphazard. The visor shot up into its PVC dome to reveal two naked camera eyes, slapdashing back and forth, panicked. A metallic whine pealed from the droid and filled the room, causing me to cringe. Its hands shot up and covered the ear-mounds as if trying to keep something from spilling out… Perfectly against my wildest imagination, unanticipatedly, and much to my own horror, Gladys then proceeded to twist and rip its head clean off.
I witnessed a suicide; my own creation’s self-propelled euthanasia.
My psychological state has been awash for hours. I cleaned up my latest mess feeling a heavy hollow in my ribs, empty, utterly alveolate. I had to let open my windows hoping the stinging redolence of singed plastic would dissipate. I was breathing in the remains of my happiness, the last traces of what might have fixed me. I sobbed uncontrollably.
Once I regained and composed myself, I began to write my post for this site. In all honesty, I cannot tell you why; it just felt right. I then found a comment on my last post from the wise, the charismatic, the undaunted Jonald. He was, in fact, the flicker of encouragement that brought my self-confidence to such heights I felt fastened to the idea of sharing a bit of myself (other then snow globes) with this world. He lived across the hall from me during my freshman year at Yale. Jonald was just as lonely as I was, but his impelling mind was put to good use; Jonald created the modern-day weblog, or blog, to deal with his companionless excuse for a life.
In my lugubrious mind frame, the message he left me was inspiring, helpful, and very much needed. Thorough his kind words I’ve found that I don’t need a robot to discover love and companionship. All I need is a blog and fellow bloggers, because even virtual concernment is still concernment. And that is, if even the only thing, what I consider to lack. It is good to know those with the similar interests can heal even the worst of maladies.
So I thank you, again, Jonald, and bloggers everywhere. You all have the ability to make me feel loved. A truely treasured sentiment by yours truly. Expect in the forthcoming months a blog of my own, complete with clever name and graphics. Much thanks to elevendy twelven for not only introducing me to their one (1) reader, but showing me the power of the blog. How the possibility of someone reading my inner-most thoughts (and maybe even caring about them!) can partially fill the very void Gladys was designed to occupy. But how slippery a possibility can be! Yet I grasp with vim and vigor.
Please pray for me.
Until then…a gracious good-bye.
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